Friday, November 16, 2007

Sad Song

I long for your touch
Just one tender touch
To touch you just once
Just once will do.

I long to see you
Just one little glimpse
Right infront of me
One real glimpse.

I want one tender kiss
Just one tiny kiss
One tiny peck on the cheek
Just tiny one.

So far away
Too far away
Painfully far
Too long ago.

Its been a hard time
Too hard for me
So hard I lost it almost
So hard I lost hope almost.

I believe there is light
Light at the end of the tunnel
Light that will show
That will light my way.

There are songs
Many songs that sing
Sing of the sadness
The sadness that is me.

Sunday, August 05, 2007


Some would swear they would
bring the moon for you
And some would bring you the rarest
flower from another corner of the world.
Some would say that they
could die for you.
Compared to them I am nothing
but a coward -
All I could do for you is to
make you happy.
If you say it would make you
happier if I went away, I'd go;
I would try, I mean, I dont know
whether you would be.
If you be happy...with me,
it would be my paradise.


"Out there in the fields
Like a soldier all alone
I have to fight my way through,
Hostile territory around.

Devoid of love or support
I search for things I cant get
I think of my loved ones
While I fight on.

My mind is a mess
Of strange thoughts and dreams
Of lands beautiful and
Company of hearty fellows.

I wanted all this, but,
I never asked for 'this'.
My split mind wants to go back
but I must stay.

I'm like a jigsaw piece
From another board;
I dont fit here, was not
Meant to be here."

I want out!

Monday, July 09, 2007


I was strong, now so fragile
Always been hard and cold
Now molten and soft I lie.
Not used to speak my emotions
The success, the loss, the pain
Words fail me, however hard I try.

The success opened doors
That force me to sacrifice,
For all that I have lived.
into an unknown land I must go
be it barren, be it paradise
Exiled for two years, it makes me stiff.

Giving up this opportunity
To end this inner strife
Would be submitting to midiocrity.
The pain is only just temporary
I have to pursue my ambitions
I'll bear it all to make my life pretty.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hah! Science...

Im a student of Physics and it is but natural that I should write poetry about it. But now Im pretty sick of it so...

Fire, water, earth and air
And nothing more could be there
Said the Greek to the world
And hence science unfurled.
For long their laws remained undefied
Till some said other laws nature did abide
Dalton for one bravely said
Of atoms and molecules all were made.
Probing deeper were seen the electrons
Playing merry-go-round around the nucleons.
Rutherford and Bohr debated the rules
Heisenberg's uncertainty proved them fools.
Murray Gel Mann won the Nobel
His mathematics dug secrets like a shovel
Now he enjoys a lot of perks
For saying all were made of gluons and quarks
Yoichiro Nambu then did say absurd things
Like everything is made of tiny little strings.
This is a small story of science's progress
I say why put your mind to so much stress?

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fare Thee Well, Sweetest Friend

Written for a very dear friend who will leave town in a few days. It wasn't very long that we were friends but we bonded very well. This one is also in reference to some things I might have mistakenly told her and hence is a last attempt to take back all those words.

In verse emotions flow free,
In verse lies remain constricted,
In verse hypocrisy lies slain
In verse beauty is apperciated
Adventures are narrated
Lovers are united
And in verse I shall bid thee farewell
Sweetest friend, my friend you will
Always be.

'Twas not too long we've known eachother
But brilliant has been our time together,
I wish I could turn back time
And relive those moments sublime;
Now our paths lie separate
We will, in time and memory, fade.
Things will never be the same,
But you will be remembered and missed
Sad adieu...

Boat and Net

In the shimmery light
Of a single kerosene lamp
In a single room mud hut
Three little boys sit
Around a pot of boiling rice
Being cooked by their sister,
Their eyes filled with hunger.
Closest to the lamp
Sits the eldest boy, studying
A dilapidated second hand book.
He dreams to be a doctor oneday
And help poor people, cure them
Of ailments similar to the one
That claimed his mother's life
A few monthes ago;
But fate knows that he
Will take up the boat
And the net like his
Fisherman father, who lies
In a corner, resting,
After another futile day
On the boat.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Bare notion

Lonely among all company
A crowd bustles around me
I sit with my hot coffee
Trying to pen down thoughts.
A sip of caffeine sends my
Tongue into a burning numbness.

My pen hovering over the paper
The train of thoughts rushing.
So many ideas arrive
But all devoid of form.

I scratch my head
Another sip, I tap my fingers
Fidget with my pen, roll it around
Scribbling a scetch, scratching it out.
My coffee is turning cold, emptied in a swig
I know what to write yet words fail me.

I thought of poetry about war, peace and
The seas, pirates and their boat
Nothing still came to my mind
So this is all that I wrote.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


In a dark corner of mind
You sit and do nothing.
Why there? Why there?
Makes me sad...that corner.

You distract me
You make me uncomfortable
Go away. Go away.
Why do you keep coming back?

You let go of me then
Now I keep bringing you back
Leave that corner. Leave that corner.
I have work to do.

Friday, April 13, 2007


This is something I have been meaning to write for quite sometime now.

People want fame and fortune
People want to be known
People want the limelight
With applause they want to be blown.

But I want to be such a man
If ever killed I be
It'll be called an 'assassination'
'Cause 'murder' is for common meat.

Saturday, April 07, 2007


They love their country;
They are ready to die
for their country.
They are trained;
They are hardened
beyond the limit of capability.

They are taught to kill;
They are taught to live
with the guilt of murder.
They are taught to shoot
They are taught
to follow orders.

They are honest men;
They are upgraded
weapons of choice.
They never ask questions
They are the powerful people’s
expendable toys.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Beware my birthday

Seriously this is supposed to be funny. And funnily, this is serious as well.

My birthday - the 1st of May
O God help me keep my age at bay,
People grow old, but why me too
Next year I'm gonna be twenty two!
Shit! When did I cross my teens?
I'm growing old, and fast, that's just what it means.
Damn I'm old enough to be the father of one
For that I'd need a woman and I got none.
In a few years my joints will moan and creak
And I'll turn into a wrinkly old freak.
So if you wish me Birthday or want a party
I'll kick your ass and wring your neck smartie.

Monday, April 02, 2007


The hunter stalks his prey
Silent and still, almost lifeless.
With unflickering eyes he studies
Examines and infers.
He moves through the plains
Mimicking the tall grass swaying,
A motion so stealthy that he
Travels but moves not.
He lays there still, waiting, watching,
Almost mocking his ward
With hunger rises his determination
And his patience and his will
Waiting, calculating, measuring
Like an artist for perfection.

He is a powerhouse of might
And speed greater than lightening.
The unsuspecting beast grazes on
He lets him enjoy his last meal,
His pride needs him as the strongest
And he needs to appease his pride.
His legs contract, his eyes focussed
Like a bullet from the nozzle he strikes,
Sudden movement alerts the beast
His instincts tell him to run but he's frozen
The beast lies fallen, defeated, dying,
Now reduced to food for the king.
The merciful king eases the beasts pain,
He snaps its jugular to fast takes its life away.


A creature; lowliest of all - human
Lies at the side of the street
An aluminium bowl by his side
In silence he begs the passers by
He begs not for wealth but for life.

The creature; dirtiest of them all
In the dirtiest of rags he lies
Amputated of limbs and hope
He lies under the blazing summer sun
And the freezing winter nights
He begs for a life.

The creature; understands not economy
Not the inflation that worries the wealthy
The people are blind to him
One in a million stop to give him alms
The smallest denomination in his wallet.


Calm silent night
Suddenly blindingly bright
Black and nothingness again.

Beauty, suddenly...

Calm, beautiful, serene
Savoring the joy of nature
Sitting under a tree
A dead rotten tree
A heavy old branch breaks
Falls on his head
All beauty fades

Monday, February 12, 2007


An image in my mind. This is my happy place where I go to when I feel low or depressed.

A cool breeze through my hair,
The radio playing sweet country music
that sings of happiness,
A can of chilled beer by my side,
An occasional drag of tobacco into my lungs.
The blue sky, white clouds and a
friendly sun,
The golden harvest all around swaying
in the wind
The yellow lines of the grey road
and occasional milestones whizzing past.
Going at a steady hundred, sitting behind
thewheel of my car, I ponder -
Right now, this is how I always wanted
to be,
Not a care in the world, no responsibilities
But that's being selfish; now I'm nothing but happy.
Life has always been good to me,
got what I needed
gave to myself what I wanted
And found what I never lost.
The hum of my car resonating with my mood,
Not a car, not a soul have I come across
but yet I feel not alone.
I wish this road, this journey never ends.

Monday, January 29, 2007


I sit alone and I wonder
This world is a tough place
To live in; because you don’t
Get everything that you want.
Somethings are hard to come by.
And the brain rules our body.
Whatever it tells us to do, we do.
The reactions in the brain reflect
On our faces and our body languages.
That makes us what we are and how
People look at us.
That ruins it all.

I wish I could hide everything of that
From the world and not let people know
How we feel or what we are thinking.
I wish everything would be simpler.
I’m not talking about the money matters.
Some people have more of it some people less.
I’m not worried about that part.
People are so complex sometimes.
Everybody have their weaknesses and strengths
When it comes to the mind matters.
Mind over matter is fine, but the other things
That really matter are like incomprehensible.

I wonder why we have brains.
Bacteria and amoebas have it so much
Simpler without brains. They have
So much less to worry about.
What I’m really scared of are people
Who have bigger brains, people who
Think too much and people who think
That they can think more.
Compared to them I’m weak.
We are all slaves to our emotions
And problems that give rise to those emotions.

I wish I could forget things at will.
Somethings one can never forget.
They stick with one till the end of time.
Mainly the more painful thoughts.
I wish I could remember somethings
That I always forget – like the more
Important things that really matter,
The things that govern our lives.
Emotions shouldn’t matter as much
In this material world. They lick, taste,
Chew and they devour the logical self.
Some thoughts make one look so stupid.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


The silken sheets rustle as I shift
My sleep breaks sweet and satiated
In the lusty crimson dawn
When the sun hasn’t awaken yet.
I discover sweetness in my lips
And comfort in my eyes
And a freshness in my mind
Is this a high or is this a hangover.

I open my eyes, she lies by my side
Like creepers entwined – our rapturous embrace;
Darker than the night, softer than the breeze
Sweeter than a jasmine's smell, her hair.
It beckons me to touch it, feel it,
Play with it, smell it.
Like mist it passes through my fingers
Her hair like a net over her face.

The serene peacefulness of her sleeping face
Accentuates her beauty into innocence.
The glow that is her skin belittles the dawn.
Her lips, sweet, pink, tender
Drawn in a smile more mysterious than Mona Lisa’s.
Her sleeping eyes and the slightly smudged mascara
Makes her look like a wild flower, and then
Her eyes open slowly, looking at me.

Those eyes, beauty redefined
They talk of unfathomable depths
Black as the night with a
Twinkle like the stars they were.
Then her gaze met mine
She smiled a smile of immeasurable brilliance
Such a smile just for me.
I need nothing more in my life.

Long and lean she lay
Her luscious curves meandering
Like a river of old.
Her tiny almost invisible body hair
Shining in the feeble sunlight
And the droplets of sweat glistening
Like an aura or natural perfection around her.
I move closer, her warmth incubating me.

Our hearts close together now
Beating in harmony, resonating
Pulsating passion ran through our bodies
Her voice a sensuous feminine whisper
She spoke of many things and her laugh
Like the lapping of water of the mountain ravines.
She was warm and passionate inside
And her lips tasted of honey.