Monday, January 29, 2007


I sit alone and I wonder
This world is a tough place
To live in; because you don’t
Get everything that you want.
Somethings are hard to come by.
And the brain rules our body.
Whatever it tells us to do, we do.
The reactions in the brain reflect
On our faces and our body languages.
That makes us what we are and how
People look at us.
That ruins it all.

I wish I could hide everything of that
From the world and not let people know
How we feel or what we are thinking.
I wish everything would be simpler.
I’m not talking about the money matters.
Some people have more of it some people less.
I’m not worried about that part.
People are so complex sometimes.
Everybody have their weaknesses and strengths
When it comes to the mind matters.
Mind over matter is fine, but the other things
That really matter are like incomprehensible.

I wonder why we have brains.
Bacteria and amoebas have it so much
Simpler without brains. They have
So much less to worry about.
What I’m really scared of are people
Who have bigger brains, people who
Think too much and people who think
That they can think more.
Compared to them I’m weak.
We are all slaves to our emotions
And problems that give rise to those emotions.

I wish I could forget things at will.
Somethings one can never forget.
They stick with one till the end of time.
Mainly the more painful thoughts.
I wish I could remember somethings
That I always forget – like the more
Important things that really matter,
The things that govern our lives.
Emotions shouldn’t matter as much
In this material world. They lick, taste,
Chew and they devour the logical self.
Some thoughts make one look so stupid.

Sunday, January 07, 2007


The silken sheets rustle as I shift
My sleep breaks sweet and satiated
In the lusty crimson dawn
When the sun hasn’t awaken yet.
I discover sweetness in my lips
And comfort in my eyes
And a freshness in my mind
Is this a high or is this a hangover.

I open my eyes, she lies by my side
Like creepers entwined – our rapturous embrace;
Darker than the night, softer than the breeze
Sweeter than a jasmine's smell, her hair.
It beckons me to touch it, feel it,
Play with it, smell it.
Like mist it passes through my fingers
Her hair like a net over her face.

The serene peacefulness of her sleeping face
Accentuates her beauty into innocence.
The glow that is her skin belittles the dawn.
Her lips, sweet, pink, tender
Drawn in a smile more mysterious than Mona Lisa’s.
Her sleeping eyes and the slightly smudged mascara
Makes her look like a wild flower, and then
Her eyes open slowly, looking at me.

Those eyes, beauty redefined
They talk of unfathomable depths
Black as the night with a
Twinkle like the stars they were.
Then her gaze met mine
She smiled a smile of immeasurable brilliance
Such a smile just for me.
I need nothing more in my life.

Long and lean she lay
Her luscious curves meandering
Like a river of old.
Her tiny almost invisible body hair
Shining in the feeble sunlight
And the droplets of sweat glistening
Like an aura or natural perfection around her.
I move closer, her warmth incubating me.

Our hearts close together now
Beating in harmony, resonating
Pulsating passion ran through our bodies
Her voice a sensuous feminine whisper
She spoke of many things and her laugh
Like the lapping of water of the mountain ravines.
She was warm and passionate inside
And her lips tasted of honey.