Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hah! Science...

Im a student of Physics and it is but natural that I should write poetry about it. But now Im pretty sick of it so...

Fire, water, earth and air
And nothing more could be there
Said the Greek to the world
And hence science unfurled.
For long their laws remained undefied
Till some said other laws nature did abide
Dalton for one bravely said
Of atoms and molecules all were made.
Probing deeper were seen the electrons
Playing merry-go-round around the nucleons.
Rutherford and Bohr debated the rules
Heisenberg's uncertainty proved them fools.
Murray Gel Mann won the Nobel
His mathematics dug secrets like a shovel
Now he enjoys a lot of perks
For saying all were made of gluons and quarks
Yoichiro Nambu then did say absurd things
Like everything is made of tiny little strings.
This is a small story of science's progress
I say why put your mind to so much stress?