Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fare Thee Well, Sweetest Friend

Written for a very dear friend who will leave town in a few days. It wasn't very long that we were friends but we bonded very well. This one is also in reference to some things I might have mistakenly told her and hence is a last attempt to take back all those words.

In verse emotions flow free,
In verse lies remain constricted,
In verse hypocrisy lies slain
In verse beauty is apperciated
Adventures are narrated
Lovers are united
And in verse I shall bid thee farewell
Sweetest friend, my friend you will
Always be.

'Twas not too long we've known eachother
But brilliant has been our time together,
I wish I could turn back time
And relive those moments sublime;
Now our paths lie separate
We will, in time and memory, fade.
Things will never be the same,
But you will be remembered and missed
Sad adieu...


Anonymous said...

I can understand and can feel these emotions!! I too have lost a friend to distance!!! Very very heart felt!

bornfortheu.s.a said...

reading this i am reminded of the time i parted with one of my friends... felt the same..nice one!

Anonymous said...

Gosh...its horrible when this happens no?? Hold on to the memories....

Unknown said...

One of ur best poems i feel ... or atleast from the ones ive read.

Anonymous said...

take this as positive criticism : most of your poems seem to be impersonal and distant, almost as though u dont really mean what ur writing. The ones that arent like this are the ones that make the greatest impact and are, quite frankly, very very good. This one is certainly such a poem.
ps: evryone is entitled to their own opinions.

Lowlife of the third kind said...

@ Rashi, Neo, Shrutz
A very natural feeling. A feeling of great loss, but the everybody get over it pretty soon. Then the friend just becomes an aquaintance.
But sometimes the bond remains.

Thanks you even read it, man. Hope your practical exams go well.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinions, sure. Yea, this one really came from the depths of me. Really felt it. It will be a great loss when she leaves. 7th June, 2007.

Tanna said...

tui ki eta amar jonne likhechilish?
Its a very sad poem, now that i read it. things really have changed na?